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Mae Laura Ashley yn un o'r bobl enwocaf i fyw ym Machynlleth. Roedd hi'n ddylunydd ffasiwn a wnaeth ddillad oedd yn cael eu gwisgo gan bobl ledled y byd. Roedd ei theulu i gyd yn helpu i redeg y Cwmni: roedd hi’n dylunio’r dillad a'r patrymau, ei gŵr, Bernard, yn gadeirydd y cwmni ac roedd ei phlant hefyd yn helpu i ddylunio a thynnu lluniau o'r dillad. Roedd eu busnes yn llwyddiannus iawn a thyfodd y teulu'n gyfoethog.


Dechreuodd Laura Ashley wneud sgarffiau, napcynau a thyweli tê gartref gyda'i gŵr yn y 1950au. Byddai'n argraffu patrymau ar y defnydd gan ddefnyddio sgrin brintio bren yr oedd ei gŵr Bernard wedi'i wneud ar ei chyfer. Roedd hi wrth ei bodd â hen ddyluniadau a phatrymau oes Fictoria, diddordeb a gafodd ei ennyn gan ei nain a ddysgodd iddi gwiltio fel plentyn.


Yn y 1960au roedd hi'n enwog am wneud ffrogiau hir gyda dyluniadau blodeuog, ac yn y 1970au roedd ei choleri ffriliog a'i llewys mawr yn boblogaidd iawn. Roedd llawer o'i phatrymau'n cynnwys blodau bach geometrig, sbrigiau, smotiau bach, a streipiau. Cafodd ei hysbrydoli gan ddylunwyr cynharach fel William Morris, ac roedd yn rhan o draddodiad hir o gelf ramantus.


Agorodd ei siop gyntaf ym Machynlleth, yn 35 Stryd Maengwyn, yn y 1960au. O'r fan honno, tyfodd hi a'i gŵr eu busnes yn gwmni dillad rhyngwladol gyda siopau mor bell i ffwrdd â Japan, Awstralia a'r Unol Daleithiau, a byddai enwogion fel y Dywysoges Diana yn gwisgo'i ffrogiau yn gyhoeddus. Bu farw ym 1985 pan roedd ei chwmni ar anterth ei lwyddiant.

Laura Ashley is one of the most famous people to have lived in Machynlleth. She was a fashion designer who made clothes that were worn by people across the world. Her company was run by her whole family: she designed the clothes and patterns, her husband, Bernard, was the company chairman and her children also helped designing and photographing the clothes. Their business was very successful and made the family very wealthy.


Laura Ashley first started making scarves, napkins and tea towels at home with her husband in the 1950s. She would print patterns on the material using a wooden screen print that Bernard had made for her. She loved the old designs and patterns of the Victorian era, something she may have picked up from her grandmother who taught her how to make quilts as a child.


In the 1960s, she was famous for making long dresses with flowery designs, and in the 1970s her frilly collars and puffy sleeves were very popular. Many of her patterns were made up of little geometric flowers, sprigs, small spots and stripes. She was inspired by earlier designers like William Morris, and was part of a long tradition of romantic art.


She opened her first shop in Machynlleth, at 35 Maengwyn Street, in the 1960s. From there, she and her husband grew their business into an international clothing line with stores as far afield as Japan, Australia and the United States, and celebrities like Princess Diana would wear her dresses in public. She died in 1985 as her company was reaching the hight of its success.

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